TRC Update 3/26/2020

A Note from Pastor Appel
Trinity Saints,

The session met this morning to discuss Sunday worship and current state-wide lockdown order. We’ve decided that complying with the order is the right thing for our church to do, but the nature of our governor and mayor’s order raises some important questions regarding the interaction of civil and ecclesial authority. These are essential issues to understand from a biblical perspective in this moment of civic upheaval. Chris Schlect has made a very helpful video discussing these questions, reflecting on the biblical principles the session has used in making our decisions about worship. I encourage you all to watch it.

Following Chris, I have also made a video meditating on the tension between the experience of exile and restoration in the Psalms which is helpful for understanding our worship in this current situation. We don’t want to waste our “exile” and part of doing that is understanding the proper tension between our sense that this separation is not right and being thankful for and rejoicing in God’s goodness to us now.

I was very glad to hear from many of you that you were encouraged and blessed by last Sunday’s worship. So was I. You can expect emails later this week with the necessary materials for this Sunday’s worship. Also, feel free to call the church office if you have an important need.

I hope that these videos are helpful and encouraging to you as you serve our Lord where he has called you. Know that your elders and deacons love you and are praying that our Lord will bless you in extraordinary ways.

Much love and blessings,
Pastor Joshua