Church Life
At Trinity we are committed to live as a community, a fellowship, a part of that body which Christ established through His death and resurrection and filled with His Spirit to carry on His mission in this world. We are disciples of Jesus, seeking to hold fast to the Bible as His living Word; committed to faithful worship on the Lord’s Day; given to hospitality, fellowship, and mercy; raising our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord; seeking to carry on the Great Commission so that every knee may bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.
Music is a key part of what we do at TRC. There is a lot going on and several ways to get involved. In choir we are all learning to sing, and in doing so, we are serving the rest of our congregation, giving the gift of music, and receiving the blessing of music, fellowship, skill, laughter, and delight in return. As with anything that requires skill, it’s a lot of hard work, but as with other things that are done in unity, the hard work done with others forges new and beautiful things.
Adult Choir: TRC’s congregational choir meets at 6:30-8pm every Wednesday night. Anyone is welcome to contact the choir director and ask about joining. The choir sings an anthem on Sundays, generally from the music of Renaissance, early American, or modern composers. Our goals include not only blessing the worship of the saints with music but also pursuing the musical growth of each chorister. Childcare is provided to enable couples to both join the choir.
Teen Choir: The Teen Choir is open to singers aged 13-18 with changed voices. The choir rehearses weekly on Wednesday nights (8-9pm), and sings independently as well as alongside the adult choir. This provides an excellent opportunity for teens (including choristers who graduate from the Youth Choir) to continue singing with their peers, as well as more mature singers.
Youth Choir: The Choir is for TRC youth with unchanged voices ages 8-13. The choir prepares music for both Sundays and special services in once-per-week rehearsals (Wednesdays 4:3–5:30). Additionally, the choristers work on individual skills in music reading and other choir-applicable skills by tracking their accomplishment of those skills in small groups with one of the choir’s assistants.
Schola Cantorum: Schola is a weekly children’s choir training program directed by New Saint Andrews College Conservatory of Music. Students age 4 and up receive training for a solid background in pitch, rhythm, singing, and dancing before entering the Trinity Youth Choir. The schedules are designed so that students can attend Schola Cantorum classes even after they join the Youth Choir. For more information, email Jocelyn Meyer (
Instrumentalists: Every Sunday morning, a small group of instruments helps to accompany the congregation on hymns and service music. This is a great way to serve the congregation, particularly if one has some classical training lying around that should be put to use. These instrumentalists also provide many of the preludes for Sunday services.
Evensong: On the first Sunday evening of each month, Trinity celebrates the ancient service of Evensong. The casual service is 40 minutes long and features one of the choirs of Trinity singing a setting of the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis.
Psalm Sings: Several times each year, TRC provides opportunities for the congregation to come together and sing more informally, gathered around music of a particular theme or season, with the purpose of enjoying the music we are familiar with and introducing new music to our worship.
Contact choir director Joshua Roberts ( with questions or for more information. You can also visit our music page for more about music at Trinity.
Parish Groups form a vital part of our community to gather together in smaller groups during the week, to share in fellowship and food (loving one another), studying the Bible and prayer (worshipping God), and outreach (serving our neighbors). All of these activities flow in and out of our weekly Lord’s Day worship. Click here to read our statements on parish life.
Parish Groups meet about six times in the fall and six in the spring, although some meet more often. Discussion usually centers around the weekly sermon or a book that we are reading through after a shared meal and ends in prayer. Meeting times are usually Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday evening. If you would like to sign up for a parish group, please contact the secretary at
Every year TRC hosts a parenting conference in the fall during Trinity season and a lecture series in the winter during Epiphany season. Our parenting conferences aim to disciple and encourage the many parents of our congregation who are in the trenches of raising little ones (and big ones). Our Epiphany Lectures usually bring someone from outside of our community to teach on a cultural or theological topic to encourage our people in navigating the challenges to their faith and life in the modern world. We also periodically host evangelistic conferences, missionary nights, and periodic lectures to encourage our people in the mission of the church to the world.
You can access the recordings of all our previous lectures here.
The goal of our TRC women’s ministry is to encourage and equip our women to love God and our neighbors boldly, faithfully, and fearlessly. There are countless needs to be met and gifts to be shared within our congregation, and the goal of this ministry is not to meet all of these needs. Rather, our goal is to encourage and equip our women to meet one another’s needs and the needs of the community around us.
We alternate between churchwide ladies’ events and smaller group meetings in homes. As Christian women, our calling is to love the Lord our God with our hearts, souls, strength, and minds, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. The purpose of our meetings is to encourage fellowship as well as to provoke thought and conversations throughout the following days and weeks – in our homes and over coffee, as we’re building companies or baking pies, or while we’re teaching little ones to read or to tie their shoes.
Women’s Ministry Committee: Maddie Williams (chair), Anna van den Broek, Anita Evans, Sarah Schoolland, Christine Stokes.
For more information or to get connected, contact the office (
TRC is involved in several areas of outreach in Moscow. These include ministries at our local jail, the Hope @ Work program at the HOPE Center, and hospitality to the strangers in our midst.
Sunday School
The preaching through the Scriptures in our Sunday morning service forms the central avenue of our teaching ministry at TRC. We also teach Sunday School classes for adults and children in the fall and spring between our services from 10:15-10:45. Our children’s Sunday School follows along with the same book of the Bible in our Sermon series as we highlight passages that we have covered and also teach on passages that the sermon series does not cover.
Christian Education Opportunities in the Community
TRC is committed to helping parents give their children a Christ-centered education. To this end, TRC encourages families to check out Logos School, The Jubilee School, White Horse Hall, Classical Conversations, Homeschooling, Pullman Christian School, Logos Online School, Kepler Education, and other schools associated with the Association of Classical Christian Schools as local options for Christian education. We also recommend New Saint Andrews College for continuing Christian education at the collegiate level.
Commended Ministries are those ministries which a majority of the TRC session endorses as doing a good work in kingdom building and worthy of TRC’s particular commendation. They are not necessarily local, but they are focused on gospel work and hold to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the authority of the Scriptures.
Henriquez Mission with Pioneer Bible Translators
TRC Christian Education Fund
Collegiate Reformed Fellowship is the campus ministry of Christ Church and Trinity Reformed Church in Moscow, Idaho. Our goal is to teach and exhort young men and women to serve, to witness, to stand fast, and to mature in their Christian faith. We desire to see students get established in a godly lifestyle and a trajectory toward maturity. We also desire to proclaim the Christian worldview to the university population and the surrounding communities. CRF is not an independent ministry. All our activities are supplemental to the teaching and shepherding ministry of CC and TRC. Students involved with CRF are regularly reminded that the most important student ministry takes place at Lord’s Day worship.
Connect with us on our Facebook page.
Students for the Relief of the Oppressed (SRO) is a non-profit Christian organization run by students in Moscow, Idaho and is a ministry of Trinity Reformed Church. We aim to connect local students with the needs of the Church both here in Moscow and abroad.
The mission of Students for the Relief of the Oppressed is to connect Christian students in the Moscow community to the larger body of the church where they become aware of the oppression locally and abroad. Students join in weekly prayer groups, various fundraising events, and singing at nursing homes in order to actively bring Christ’s love by serving in community.
Learn more here.
At TRC, we invite any local Christians who profess the Apostles’ Creed and who have been baptized into the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to join our church in a formal way through church membership.
If you are student who has membership at your local church back home, but would still like to be formally under the care of our session, we also invite you to be Under Care of our session while retaining your membership at your home church.
Email our secretary at to set up an appointment with an elder if you would like to join or for more information about our constitution, confessions, statements, and membership vows. More info can also be found on our about page.
Breeze is our directory and email platform for our congregation to receive regular updates about events and information related to Trinity. If you are a member or a regular attender, contact the secretary at to be added to Breeze.
Once you are connected, you can access Breeze either from their website or download the app for your mobile device.