The Gift of Self-Control

In Titus, one of the key virtues that Paul exhorts God’s people to pursue is self-control. Also, in Galatians, Paul highlights this self-control as the final capstone of the fruit of the Spirit.

The world, on the other hand, says give into the self. In our culture, there is no god so fervently worshiped and so thoroughly respected as the self. The god of self promises to give happiness and fulfillment, but really, this god only takes, consumes and eats away at everything. What will not be sacrificed on the altar of the self? Be yourself (and here is the key) no matter what.

We  know that pornography is abusive and treats people worse than animals, but what will stand in the way of selfish desire? We stew in bitterness and despair, which makes us sad and takes away our joy. But we’ll do it anyway. As long as it’s all about me, I will give up everything – peace, joy, life, and family. In the end, the self will take whatever it takes.

How different is our God. Our God comes to free us from the clutches of the self. You don’t have to be a slave to your pitiful desires. You don’t belong to you anymore. Jesus Christ gave himself, to deliver his people from this monster and bring us to our true Father.

And now what? Now the Father gives gifts. The Father pours out blessings upon his people, overflowing with his love. He has given us Jesus, he has given us his Spirit, he has made us his children, and given us an infinite inheritance, a salvation which can never be destroyed, a life which can never die. And he has given us the fruit of the Spirit – like self-control – so now we can serve our rightful God. He is our Father who gives grace upon grace and whose love for his people is without measure.