
Sunday morning, we gather together to worship the Triune God and we invite everyone to join us. One of our church leaders usually greets everyone at the door, where you can also find a bulletin which has the order of the service clearly laid out.


Our worship service is liturgical and follows a certain structure which includes confession, responsive readings, singing of Psalms and hymns, reading the Scripture, the sermon, prayers, passing of the peace, and communion.


Each week we celebrate the Lord’s Supper with bread and wine near the end of the service. All those who have been baptized, professed faith in Jesus Christ, and are not under church discipline are welcome to partake of the bread and the wine.


Our nursery is available for parents to take their young children (although we also love to have them in the sanctuary!) anytime during or after the service. We have sound piped in so that parents can still listen to the service. If you need childcare helpers to watch your children during the service, please talk to one of our church leaders and we will be happy to help you.

After the Service

Because we enjoy fellowship and community, we serve coffee and doughnuts after the service in the narthex. You are more than welcome to stick around and grab some food and drink. We would love to get to talk with you and get to know you.